Blog:Publication“Faith in the City”


Out now: a publication documenting and critically expanding upon The Architecture Foundation symposium, Faith in the City: The Mosque in the Contemporary Urban West. Featuring exclusive essays from the symposium’s participants and other notable contributors, the book provides a concise collection of case studies and essays examining the place and politics of religion in a secular urban fabric, and design’s capacity to celebrate and communicate mosques as spaces for spiritual and cultural exchange, in positive dialogue with the wider urban environment.

The publication includes texts from Michel Abboud, architectural consultant and designer of New York’s hotly debated Park51 Islamic Cultural Center; MIT Aga Khan professor Dr Nasser Rabbat; architectural provocateurs Foreign Architects Switzerland; ‘Mega Mosque’ architect Ali Mangera and more, and is wrapped in a timeline documenting the development of the mosque in the West over the past 200 years.

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Out now: a publication documenting and critically expanding upon The Architecture Foundation symposium, Faith in the City: The Mosque in the Contemporary Urban West. Featuring exclusive essays from the symposium’s participants and other notable contributors, the book provides a concise collection of case studies and essays examining the place and politics of religion in a secular urban fabric, and design’s capacity to celebrate and communicate mosques as spaces for spiritual and cultural exchange, in positive dialogue with the wider urban environment.

The publication includes texts from Michel Abboud, architectural consultant and designer of New York’s hotly debated Park51 Islamic Cultural Center; MIT Aga Khan professor Dr Nasser Rabbat; architectural provocateurs Foreign Architects Switzerland; ‘Mega Mosque’ architect Ali Mangera and more, and is wrapped in a timeline documenting the development of the mosque in the West over the past 200 years.The book is edited by Justin Jaeckle and Füsun Türetken, and designed by Åh Studio.

For further information and to order the book, please visit

A publication documenting and critically expanding upon the AF’s November 2010 symposium,Faith in the City: The Mosque in the Contemporary Urban West, featuring new essays by Lukas FeireissForeign Architects Switzerland and Professor Nasser Rabbat amongst many other notable contributors. The publication also features detailed description of the controversy surrounding, and proposed design for, Manhattan’s Park51 community centre, from its architect, Michel Abboud.

Edited by Justin Jaeckle and Füsun Türetken. Designed by Åh Studio.


Introduction – Sarah Ichioka
Mosques and the Western Claim of Secularism – Dr Nasser Rabbat
Islam in Contemporary Urban Britain: Building For and With Multiculturalism – Dr Noha Nasser
Case Unbuilt: Abbey Mills, London, UK
The Mega Mosque – Ali Mangera
Client Matters. Islamic Religious Buildings at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century – Lukas Feireiss
Case Built: Islamic Forum Penzberg, Germany
Islamic Forum Penzberg, Germany – Ursula Baus
Case Speculative: Competition for an Islamic Centre, Zurich, Switzerland
Another Shitty Day in Paradise – Foreign Architects Switzerland
The Architect as Social Interpreter – Cihan Bugdaci and Ergün Erkoçu
Case Pending: Park51, New York, USA
The Architecture of Park51: From Controversy to Resolution – Michel Abboud
Conclusion – Justin Jaeckle

Supported by Openvizor and the Art Council’s Arts & Islam programme.

Books are priced at £5 + P&P (UK)

If you are a member of The Architecture Foundation you are entitled to a 20% discount on all publications. Please contact the AF for details.




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